Monday, October 21, 2024 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Versa NYC

Through our annual fall gala, we raise critical resources to support rider advocacy all year long. The 2024 gala will feature all of our favorite traditions: live music, delicious cocktails and bites, transit-themed games and swag, and lots more. Come celebrate at the best party for public transit alongside elected officials, members of the media, and our powerful community of public transit riders and advocates. 


Adrienne E. Adams
Speaker of the New York City Council

Adrienne Adams is the Speaker of the New York City Council, leading the most diverse and first women-majority Council in city history as the body’s first African American Speaker. She is also the first woman to represent Council District 28 in Southeast Queens.
Under the leadership of Speaker Adams, the Council has been tackling long-standing inequities, advancing women’s health, confronting racial disparities in maternal health, supporting underserved crime victims, expanding access to economic and educational opportunities, and more.
Speaker Adams and the Council have prioritized addressing inequities in the city’s workforce, passing legislative packages to confront the historic lack of diversity in the FDNY and gender- and race-based pay disparities that impact municipal workers. Speaker Adams also helped establish the CUNY Reconnect program that has helped tens of thousands of working-age New Yorkers to return to college in pursuit of a degree after leaving school.
Prior to elected office, Speaker Adams worked as a Corporate Trainer and a Child Development Associate Instructor. Speaker Adams is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and is a longstanding member of the NAACP and the National Action Network.

Liz Krueger
New York State Senator

First elected to the New York State Senate in a special election in February 2002, Liz Krueger is currently the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee and a member of the Budget and Revenues and Rules Committees. Senator Krueger has made reforming and modernizing New York State government and elections central goals of her legislative agenda.

Since she began her work as an elected official, Senator Krueger has been a voice in favor of adequately funding our public transit system and has supported congestion pricing for over a decade.

As the most senior champion of congestion pricing in state government, Senator Krueger is a beacon to colleagues and leaders across New York at a moment of crisis.

Senator Krueger has the persistent vision of a more reliable, accessible, resilient, and fiscally sound transit system that congestion pricing will help bring about, and she has played a pivotal role in defending this transformative policy and everything that hinges on it.

Senator Krueger received her Bachelor’s degree in Social Policy and Human Development from Northwestern University and also holds a Master’s degree from the University of Chicago’s Harris Graduate School of Public Policy.


(to date)

Transit Champions

Transit Hero

Super Conductors

Express Conductors

Community Service of New York

Edison Properties


TY Lin – Sam Schwartz


Amalgamated Bank

BJH Advisors

New York Building Congress



(in formation)

Transit Champion

Mark Gorton

Transit Hero

Paul Gertner

Super Conductors

John Raskin & Eric Schneider

Express Conductors

Meeta Anand & H James Lucas

David Gringer

Hudson, Rafael, Tokumbo & Sheethal Shobowale

Sharon Zane & Greg Macosko


Katrina Baker & Michael Benn

Jeff Blum

Joseph Ferris

Wil Fisher

Martha King

Madeline Labadie & Patrick McClellan

Anna & Peter Levin

Adam Mansky

Kirsten Shaw & Neil Kittredge

Sharon Wyse & Ray Palermo

Bus Warriors

Rachael Fauss & Nathan Stodola

Laborers’ Local 1010

Law Office of Adam D. White

Dawn Miller & Jim Thomson

Rider Advocates

Rebecca Bailin

Christina Greer

Charles Komanoff

Ned Klein

Mark Lee

Joan Marlow Golan

Daniel McPhee

Kathrine Mott

Seth Ullman